- Time difference:
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The list : (updates only every 5 years or so...)
00 351 Acores........................ -1 h Ponta Delgada
af 00 93 Afghanistan................... +4 h Kaboul
11 1 Alaska........................ -8 h Juneau
al 00 355 Albania....................... +1 h Tirana
dz 00 213 Algeria....................... +0 h Alger
as 1 684 American Samoa................ -11 h Pago Pago
ad 7 376 Andorra....................... +1 h Andorre
ao 01 244 Angola........................ +1 h Luanda
ai 011 1809 Anguilla...................... -4 h The Valley
aq 00 67212 Antarctica Casey..............
aq 00 67213 Antarctica Macquarrie Island..
aq 00 67210 Antarctica Davis..............
aq 00 67211 Antarctica Mawson.............
ag 011 1809 Antigua and barbuda........... -4 h Saint Johns
ar 00 54 Argentina..................... -3 h Buenos Aires
am 810 7 Armenia....................... +4 h Erevan
aw 00 297 Aruba.........................
00 247 Ascencion.....................
au 00.11 61 Australia..................... +10 h Canberra
at 00 43 Austria....................... +1 h Wien
az 810 7 Azerbaijan.................... +4 h Bakou
bs 011 242* Bahamas....................... -5 h Nassau
bh 0 973 Bahrain....................... +3 h Manama
bd 00 880 Bangladesh.................... +6 h Dacca
bb 011 1809 Barbados...................... -4 h Bridgetown
by 810 7 Belarus....................... +3 h Minsk
be 00 32 Belgium....................... +1 h Bruxelles
bz 00 501 Belize........................ -6 h Belmopan
bj 00 229 Benin......................... +1 h Porto Novo
bm 011 1809 Bermuda....................... -4 h Hamilton
bt 975 Bhutan........................ +6 h Thimbu
0 95 Birma......................... +6 h Rangoon
bo 0 591 Bolivia....................... -4 h La Paz
ba 00 387 Bosnia and Herzegowina........
bw 00 267 Botswana...................... +2 h Gaborone
br 00 55 Brazil........................ -3 h Brasilia
bn 01 673 Brunei Darussalam............. +8 h Bandar S.B.
bg 00 359 Bulgaria...................... +2 h Sofia
bf 00 226 Burkina Faso.................. +0 h Ouagadougou
bi 90 257 Burundi....................... +2 h Bujumbura
la 0 1809 Caiman Islands................ -5 h Georgetown
kh 855 Cambodia...................... +7 h Phnom Penh
cm 00 237 Cameroon...................... +1 h Yaounde
ca 011 1 Canada........................ -5 h Ottawa
0 238 Cabo verde.................... -1 h Praia
cf 19 236 Central African Republic...... +1 h Bangui
td 15 235 Chad.......................... +1 h N'Djamena
cl 00 56 Chile......................... -4 h Santiago
cn 00 86 China......................... +8 h Pekin
co 90 57 Colombia...................... -6 h Bogota
km 269 Comoros....................... +3 h Moroni
cg 00 242 Congo......................... +1 h Brazzaville
nd 00 682 Cook Islands.................. +10 h Avarua
cr 00 506 Costa Rica.................... -6 h San Jose
hr 99 38 Croatia....................... +1 h Zagreb
cu 53 Cuba.......................... -5 h La Havane
cy 00 357 Cyprus........................ +2 h Nicosie
cz 00 42 Czech Republic................ +1 h Prague
dk 009 45 Denmark....................... +1 h Copenhagen
dj 00 253 Djibouti...................... +3 h Djibouti
dm 011 1809 Dominica...................... +4 h Roseau
do 011 1809 Dominican Republic............ +4 h Saint Dominique
tp 00 East Timor....................
ec 00 593 Ecuador....................... -5 h Quito
eg 00 20 Egypt......................... +2 h Le Caire
sv 0 503 El Salvador................... -6 h San Salvador
gq 240 Equatorial Guinea............. +0 h Malabo
er 00 291 Eritrea.......................
ee 810 372 Estonia....................... +3 h Talinn
et 00 251 Ethiopia...................... +3 h Addis-Abeba
009 298 Far Oer....................... +0 h Thorshavn
01 500 Falklands..................... -4 h Stanley
fj 05 679 Fiji.......................... +12 h Suva
fi 990 358 Finland....................... +2 h Helsinki
fr 00 33 France........................ +1 h Paris
fr 594 France - Guyane...............
fr 590 France - Guadeloupe........... Pointe-a-Pitre
fr 596 France - Martinique........... Fort-de-France
fr 689 France - Polynésie............
fr 687 France - Nouvelle Caledonie...
fr 262 France - La Reunion........... Saint-Denis
fr 508 France - St Pierre et Miquelon
ga 00 241 Gabon......................... +1 h Libreville
gm 00 220 Gambia........................ +0 h Banjul
ge 810 7 Georgia....................... +4 h Tbilissi
de 00 49 Germany....................... +1 h Berlin
gh 00 233 Ghana......................... +0 h Accra
gi 00 350 Gibraltar..................... +1 h Gibraltar
gr 00 30 Greece........................ +2 h Athenes
gl 009 299 Greenland..................... -3 h Godthab
gd 011 1809 Grenada....................... -4 h Saint George
gu 001 671 Guam.......................... +10 h Agana
gt 00 502 Guatemala..................... -6 h Guatemala
gn 1 224 Guinea........................ +0 h Conakry
gw 245 Guinea-bissau................. +0 h Bissao
gy 001 592 Guyana........................ -4 h Georgetown
ht 00 509 Haiti......................... -5 h Port-au-Prince
us 011 1808 Hawai......................... -10 h Honolulu
hn 00 504 Honduras...................... -6 h Tegucigalpa
hk 001 852 Hong Kong..................... +8 h Hong-Kong
hu 00 36 Hungary....................... +1 h Budapest
is 90 354 Iceland....................... +0 h Reykjavik
in 900 91 India......................... +5 h New Delhi
id 00 62 Indonesia..................... +7 h Jakarta
ir 00 98 Iran (islamic republic of).... +3 h Teheran
iq 00 964 Iraq.......................... +3 h Bagdad
ie 16 353 Ireland....................... +0 h Dublin
il 00 972 Isräl........................ +2 h Jerusalem
it 00 39 Italy......................... +1 h Roma
ci 00 225 Cote d'Ivoire................... +0 h Yamoussoukro
jm 011 1809 Jamaica....................... -5 h Kingston
jp 001 81 Japan......................... +9 h Tokyo
jo 00 962 Jordan........................ +2 h Amman
kz 810 7 Kazakhstan.................... +4 h Alma-Ata
ke 00 254 Kenya......................... +3 h Nairobi
ki 686 Kiribati...................... -11 h Tarawa
kp 850 Korea (North)................. +9 h Pyongyang
kr 001 82 Korea, (South)................ +9 h Seoul
kw 00 965 Kuwait........................ +3 h Kuwait
kg 810 7 Kyrgyzstan.................... +5 h Bishkek
la 856 Laos.......................... +7 h Vientiane
lv 810 371 Latvia........................ +2 h Riga
lb 00 961 Lebanon....................... +2 h Beyrouth
ls 00 266 Lesotho....................... +2 h Maseru
lr 00 231 Liberia....................... +0 h Monrovia
ly 00 218 Libyan arab jamahiriya........ +1 h Tripoli
li 00 41 Liechtenstein................. +1 h Vaduz
lt 810 370 Lithuania..................... +3 h Vilnius
lu 00 352 Luxembourg.................... +1 h Luxembourg
** 00 853 Macau .......... +8 h Macau
mk 00 389 Macedonia, (former yugoslav)..
mg 16 261 Madagascar.................... +3 h Antanarivo
00 351 Madere (Ile).................. +0 h Funchal
mw 101 265 Malawi........................ +2 h Lilongwe
my 00 60 Malaysia...................... +7 h Kuala Lumpur
mv 00 960 Maldives...................... +5 h Male
ml 00 223 Mali.......................... +0 h Bamako
mt 00 356 Malta......................... +1 h La Valette
010 670 Mariannes (Iles).............. +10 h Saipan
mh 00 692 Marshall islands..............
mr 00 222 Mauritania.................... +0 h Nouakchott
mu 00 230 Mauritius..................... +4 h Port-Louis
yt 00 269 Mayotte.......................
mx 98 52 Mexico........................ -6 h Mexico
fm 00 691 Micronesia (fed. states of)...
md 810 7 Moldova, republic of.......... +3 h Chisinau
mc 19 3393 Monaco........................ +1 h Monaco
mn 976 Mongolia...................... +8 h Oulan-Bator
ms 011 1809 Montserrat.................... -4 h Plymouth
ma 00 212 Morocco....................... +0 h Rabat
mz 258 Mozambique.................... +2 h Maputo
mm 0 95 Myanmar....................... +6 h Rangoon
na 09 264 Namibia....................... +2 h Windhoek
nr 674 Nauru (Islands)............... +12 h Yaren
np 00 977 Nepal......................... +5 h Katmandhu
nl 09 31 Netherlands................... +1 h Amsterdam
an 00 599 Netherlands Antilles.......... -4 h Willemstad
nz 00 64 New Zealand................... +12 h Wellington
ni 00 505 Nicaragua..................... -6 h Managua
ne 00 505 Niger......................... +1 h Niamey
ng 009 234 Nigeria....................... +1 h Lagos
6723 Norfolk (Island).............. +11 h Norwick
no 095 47 Norway........................ +1 h Oslo
om 00 968 Oman.......................... +4 h Mascate
pk 00 92 Pakistan...................... +5 h Islamabad
pw 00 680 Palau.........................
pa 00 507 Panama........................ -5 h Panama
pg 31 675 Papua new guinea.............. +10 h Port Moresby
py 002 595 Paraguay...................... -3 h Asuncion
pe 00 51 Peru.......................... -5 h Lima
ph 00 63 Philippines................... +8 h Manille
pn 00 Pitcairn......................
pl 0.0 48 Poland........................ +1 h Varsovie
pt 00 351 Portugal...................... +0 h Lisboa
pr 35 1809 Puerto Rico................... -4 h San Juan
qa 00 974 Qatar......................... +3 h Doha
ro 40 Romania....................... +2 h Bucarest
ru 810 7 Russian Federation............ +3 h Moscow
rw 00 250 Rwanda........................ +2 h Kigali
to 011 1809 St. Christoph und Nevis ...... -4 h Basseterre
lc 00 1809 Saint lucia................... -4 h Castries
vc 0 1809 Saint vincent and the gr...... -4 h Kingstown
290 Sainte Helene................. -1 h Jamestown
ws 0 685 Samoa......................... -11 h Apia
sm 00 378 San marino.................... +1 h San marino
st 239 Sao Tome and Principe......... +0 h Sao Tome
sa 00 966 Saudi Arabia.................. +3 h Riyad
sn 00 221 Senegal....................... +0 h Dakar
sc 00 248 Seychelles.................... +4 h Victoria
sl 232 Sierra Leone.................. +0 h Freetown
sg 005 65 Singapore..................... +7 h Singapore
sk 00 42 Slovakia (slovak republic)....
si 99 386 Slovenia...................... +1 h Ljubljana
sb 00 677 Solomon islands............... +11 h Honiara
so 16 252 Somalia....................... +3 h Mogadiscio
za 09 27 South Africa.................. +2 h Pretoria
es 07 34 Spain......................... +1 h Madrid
lk 00 94 Sri Lanka..................... +5 h Colombo
sd 00 249 Sudan......................... +2 h Khartoum
sr 002 597 Suriname...................... -3 h Paramaribo
sz 0 268 Swaziland..................... +2 h Mbabane
se 009 46 Sweden........................ +1 h Stockholm
ch 00 41 Switzerland................... +1 h Bern
sy 00 963 Syrian arab republic.......... +2 h Damas
tw 002 886 Taiwan........................ +8 h Taibei
tj 810 7 Tajikistan.................... +5 h Douchambe
tz 255 Tanzania, united republic of.. +3 h Diar Es-Salaam
th 001 66 Thailand...................... +7 h Bangkok
tg 00 228 Togo.......................... +0 h Lome
tk 00 690 Tokelau.......................
to 09 676 Tonga......................... -11 h Nuku'Alofa
tt 01 1809 Trinidad and Tobago........... -4 h Port d'Espagne
tn 00 216 Tunisia....................... +1 h Tunis
tr 99 90 Turkey........................ +2 h Ankara
tm 810 7 Turkmenistan.................. +5 h Achkhabad
tc 00 1809 Turks and Caicos Islands......
tv 00 688 Tuvalu........................
ug 00 256 Uganda........................ +2 h Kampala
ua 380 Ukraine....................... +2 h Kiev
ä 00 971 United Arab Emirates.......... +3 h Abu Dhabi
uk 010 44 United Kingdom................ +0 h London
us 011 1 United States of America...... -5 h Washington
um 00 United states minor outl. isl.
uy 00 598 Uruguay....................... -3 h Montevideo
uz 810 7 Uzbekistan.................... +5 h Tachkent
vu 00 678 Vanuatu....................... +11 h Port-Vila
va 00 396 Vatican city state............
ve 00 58 Venezuela..................... -4 h Caracas
vn 84 Viet nam...................... +7 h Hanoi
ye 00 967 Yemen......................... +3 h Aden
yu 99 38 Yugoslavia.................... +1 h Belgrade
zr 00 243 Zaire......................... +1 h Kinshasa
zm 00 260 Zambia........................ +2 h Lusaka
zw 00 263 Zimbabwe...................... +2 h Harare
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(Photo: A howling wolf in: Wildpark Eekholt,Germany; by Volker.G.; Lic.GNU Free Doc 1.2++)
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_FR_ "mouton à 5 pattes qui pond des œufs et qui donne du lait" (colloquial - literal translation: "a sheep with 5 legs which lays eggs and supplies milk") - 'Photo' by Georg Mittenecker and others; Lic.Creat.Comm.Attr.Sh.Alike v2.5 & v2.0)
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Photo: Above the clouds, freedom has no limits...? But you should then also have to eat...? - AHA7 TOP FREE helps how to fish for success:
Menu: AHA7 TOP FREE EN DE FR (Photo_1=Liftoff: May 2009, Scott Andrews, Canon, NASA; space shuttle Atlantis; Cape Canaveral, Fla., USA.) (Photo_2=Bird: 2009, Terry Ross, Creat.Comm.Attrib.Sh.Al.v2.0 Lic.)
The secrets of corruption made public. Access to all truth on the Internet about bribery: How it works - its many variants - , and why most of it is never discovered or discovered, but not prosecuted....
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Guiness Book of Records: This is the most mendacious website on the worldwide web. (This is what ami7.com claims.)
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How to review and reorganize the economic system, to guarantee that everybody can earn his living from his labor.
(Photo: 2007 Bob Jagendorf, Creat.Comm. Attr.2.0Lic.)
(Image: "La liberté guidant le peuple" (1830). - By Eugène Delacroix ( 1798-1863). Non-digital technology: Irregular color pixels assembled manually.)